

外汇储备如何翻译(外汇储备的英文缩写)摘要: repayment guarantee 还款保证书还款担保,还款保函optional port 选择港任意港Counter PurchaseForeign Exchange Res...

repayment guarantee 还款保证书还款担保,还款保函optional port 选择港任意港Counter PurchaseForeign Exchange Reserves Foreign Currency ReservesStand by LC 我在网上找到答案的,我把链接给你。

外汇储备foreign exchange reserve,又称为外汇存底,指一国政府所持有的国际储备资产中的外汇部分,即一国政府保有的以外币表示的债权,是一个国家货币当局持有并可以随时兑换外国货币的资产截止到2020年12月末,国家外。

Foreign Exchange Reserve Management in Our Country in the Background of Financial Crisis 你学习进步,更上一层楼 *^__^*不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢。

那么在外汇储备充足的情况下应该如何使用这些外汇呢下面由我为大家整理的外汇储备的合理运用情况,希望大家喜欢! 外汇储备的合理运用 妥善管理和运用外储,促进我国对外投资 妥善运用和管理外汇储备合理配置对外资产,是事关国民福利的大事。


treasury bill债务链 debt chain直接对角套汇 direct exchange间接三角套汇 indirect exchange套汇汇率 cross rate, arbitrage rate外汇储备 foreign currency exchange reserve外汇波动 foreign exchange fluctuation外汇。


share债券 debenture国库券 treasury bill债务链 debt chain直接对角套汇 direct exchange间接三角套汇 indirect exchange套汇汇率 cross rate, arbitrage rate外汇储备 foreign currency exchange reserve外汇波动 foreign。

外汇储备在一个国家金融制度中的作用主要就是“缓冲器的作用”足够的外汇储备表明了一国干预外汇市场维持本币汇率偿还外债的能力,同时足够的外汇储备也是维持公众信心的重要保证The primary function of foreign exchange。

First, a foreign exchange reserves held in foreign currencies for the performance of financial claims, is not used in domestic production This raises the issue of opportunity cost, that is, if the monetary。

The use of reasonable guide foreign exchange reserves By December 2008, the reserves had reached $195 trillion, up once super 2734% Annual national foreignexchange reserves 4178 billion dollars Social。

一详尽释义点此查看reserve的详细内容n名词保留保留地储备,贮藏,保存保护区,禁猎区储备金含蓄,克制, 谨慎,沉默寡言,冷淡储藏量预备役军人候补,预备,储备选手,备用人力贮藏物adj形容词后备的,备用的,预备。

In view of present Chinese foreign exchange reserves exceed trillion dollars in present situation, has analyzed the reason and excessive reserve caused some problems, and put forward effective countermeasures and。


中国外汇储备今年首季再增 China#39s build up of FX reserves Lex Friday, April 25, 2008 China#39s foreign exchange reserves rose by $154bn during the first quarter, a record even by the country#39s own。

Foreign exchange reserves, a government that the international reserve assets held by the Exchange in part, that is held by a government that claims to foreign currency Is a national monetary authorities and。

As at the end of 2007, China#39s foreign exchange reserves have reached 1 trillion US dollars Foreign exchange reserves for the better raquo What is its negative impact on the economy raquo。







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